Karl Jenkins 70th birthday concert

10/11/2014 11:45
For a second year running, the Chorale was engaged to provide a large choir to sing highlights from Karl Jenkin's popular repertoire. This year the programme for his 70th birthday tour included extracts from The Peacemakers and the Stabat Mater before the interval, which we sang to a full house in the Bridgewater Hall. In the second half, we sang highlights from the Requiem and the Armed Man and the finale included four songs from the Adiemus collection with the full force of the orchestra and percussion raising the roof. It was truly exhilarating to sing behind a large orchestra and it will hopefully provide some abiding memories for the choir members and the guest singers who joined us on this occasion.

Our Musical Director


Jill Henderson-Wild has been with us since 2006.

Her biographical notes are in the People page.

Our Assistant Musical Director

Dave Robinson

See the People page for more details

2024 Concert Dates:


  • 15 March 2025, 7:30pm, with Bury Youth Big Band at Bury Parish Church
  • 10 May 2025, 7:30pm, with the Master Singers at All Saints Parish Church, Cawthorne
  • 5 July 2025, 7:30pm, at the Bridge Church, Otley
Tickets can be reserved here